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Founding Groups

The following groups were responsible for the initial lectures that grew into what is now Urban Forum:

Ontario Professional Planners Institute

The Ontario Professional Planners Institute (OPPI) is the recognized voice of the province’s planning profession. Our 2,400 practising planners work for government, private industry, agencies, and academic institutions. Members work in a wide variety of fields including urban and rural community development, urban design, environment, transportation, health and social services, housing, and economic development. Our members are committed to improving the quality of Ontario’s environments and communities.

Ontario Association of Landscape Architects

Ottawa Regional Society of Architects

The Ottawa Regional Society of Architects (ORSA) is a non-profit volunteer organization and a Society of the Ontario Association of Architects (OAA).It provides a forum for free discussion of professional matters, a focus in the community for activities involving architects and a centre for educational, community, and social activities of its members.

Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)

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