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An Adult Conversation about Automated Vehicles

Wednesday, September 19, 2018 @ 7:00pm

Champlain Room, Ottawa City Hall, Heritage Building, Second Floor,  110 Laurier Ave. West

Speaker:  Ben Grush

Bern Grush, Co-author of “The End of Driving: Transportation Systems and Public Policy Planning for Autonomous Vehicles (Elsevier)” will explore some of the issues that cities, their planners, residents, and businesses will need to address over the coming decade or two. He will challenge the audience with a lot of questions and make a few suggestions. Be prepared to come away with a wide set of issues dealing with urban change, social change, job and health impacts, livability, behavioural challenges, consumer changes, and above all sufficient uncertainty to keep us engaged with the changes of “New Mobility” for some time.


past lectures - more

I Love Ottawa

Date: Dec 2017

Janet Rosenberg

Date: Nov 2006

New Blueprints for Schools

Date: Feb 1997

Vancouverism in Ottawa?

Date: May 2011

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