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Friends in the North: Martin Arfalk & Manon Otto

Wednesday, September 25, 2019 @ 7:00PM

Andrew Haydon Hall (Council Chamber), first Floor, Ottawa City Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West

Join Martin Arfalk and Manon Otto of Mandaworks, a Stockholm-based design studio, as they take us on an unpredictable journey to explore the Swedish and Canadian city-building processes.  Focussing on the comparison of Stockholm with Ottawa, they will expose similarities, differences, weirdnesses and unexpected consequences in the urban landscape on both sides of the Atlantic.  How are both cities rooted in their natural settings, traditions and cultures?  How have they adapted to people’s routines, been hacked by trends and stretched by ambitions?  Which are the shifts we foresee in both settings and how could they affect our lifestyles, our environments and create need for new visions?  

Martin Arfalk

Martin Arfalk is the founder and a partner of Mandaworks – a progressive and contemporary design studio engaged in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, urban design and comprehensive planning.  Martin has over two decades of award-winning design experience in Swedish and international contexts that spans from large-scale master plans to public space design. Martin works across the globe and is also a regular teacher and lecturer at design schools in Europe, North America and China.

Manon Otto

Manon Otto heads Mandaworks’ North-American office in Montreal. Manon directed the landscape design department at BIG New York until 2019, overseeing the design of project such as the Google Headquarter’s campus in Mountain View, California. Manon partook in high-profile coastal resiliency projects including San Francisco Bay’s adaptation to sea level rise as part of the Resilient by Design effort, and Lower-Manhattan’s flood-proofing feasibility study.


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