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ICCASU: 2015 International Conference on Chinese and African Sustainable Urbanization: A Canadian and International Perspective

October 24-25, 2015

Faculty of Social Science Building, 4th Floor, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario

Organized by:  University of Ottawa and UN Habitat

Over the last several decades China and many African countries have experienced rapid urbanization. The accelerated pace of China’s urbanization will have significant impacts on the country’s urban systems. The challenges and opportunities facing China’s cities also provide unique insights into urbanization processes in other regions, particularly Africa. Recent Chinese investments in African countries have a significant impact on economic development on the continent, and long-term implications for urban development.

Organized by the University of Ottawa and UN Habitat, this two-day interdisciplinary conference will engage scholars and practitioners from different countries to explore urban challenges facing China and African states, the complexities of Chinese investments in African urbanization, and compare them with Canadian urban experiences.

Registration is required with special rates available to members of the Ottawa local communities. Deadline for registration for members of the Ottawa local community is October 20th.

For detailed information about the conference agenda and registration, please visit the conference website at: http://chinaeam.uottawa.ca/ICCASU/


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