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2008-2009 Season

Going Underground: Underground Pedestrian Networks with Michel Boisvert and James Parakh

Presented Apr 2009

The speakers highlighted how underground pedestrian networks should look and function so that they contribute to a successful and vibrant downtown, and they illustrated the connections between the underground walkways, the street level public spaces and tall buildings. The speakers showed examples of compact cities, climate-controlled walkways, and indoor cities from around the world; explained […]

Design, Society and Well-being: Making the Link with David Witty,Ph.D., MRAIC, FCIP

Presented Feb 2009

David Witty, Ph.D., MRAIC, FCIP Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, University of Manitoba; Member of Advisory Committee for Planning, Design and Realty, National Capital Commission; Founding Chair of the Canadian Healthy Communities Project. David Witty will express his thoughts on the growing consensus that design will be critical to get us out of the […]

Three Rival Models of Stadium Design: Suburban, Downtown, and Neighborhood with Philip Bess

Presented Nov 2008

Decisions about new stadium construction today are based on many competing interests. To what degree are they conceived with respect to their potential role as civic buildings, or with respect to their social, aesthetic and environmental impact? Stadiums once were understood as civic buildings, and as part of a coherent public urban realm that accommodated […]

A Master Plan for 21st Century Havana

Presented Oct 2008

Havana experienced impressive growth during the first half of the 20th century but escaped the effects of urban renewal and overdevelopment during the second half of the 20th century. A team of Cuban architects led by Julio Cesar Pérez Hernàndez has designed a Master Plan for this UNESCO World Heritage Site that aims at preserving […]