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2009-2010 Season

The Art of Place Making: Creating Vibrant Neighbourhoods, Shopping Streets and Public Places

Presented Apr 2010

David Engwicht, an internationally acclaimed author of Reclaiming our Cities and Towns, Street Reclaiming and Mental Speed Bumps is a consultant and lecturer in community empowerment, creativity and planning. This two-part lecture and workshop series unpacked the multiple dimensions of place making from urban design to urban psychology, from traffic issues to social and cultural […]

Making Growth Sustainable: Linking Sustainability Assessment and Growth Management

Presented Jan 2010

Robert Gibson focused on how sustainability considerations are integrated in land use decision making and environmental assessments at the project and strategic levels. Robert took us on a tour of ideas and practices from the Mackenzie Valley to Ottawa, with stops in Victoria and Waterloo along the way. Robert B. Gibson is a professor in […]

Designing Dubai: Lessons in Urban Revolution

Presented Nov 2009

Not unlike the classic story of the tortoise and the hare, some cities move forward through slow, steady growth while others experience rapid, chaotic change. As communities increasingly compete against each other on the global stage, what can we learn from those in the grip of urban revolution? Are there lessons that can infuse a […]

Modernizing Modernism: Toronto’s Tower Renewal Program

Presented Oct 2009

With Graeme Stewart, ERA Architects Inc. and Eleanor McAteer Mayor’s Tower Renewal, City of Toronto Toronto has recently embarked on an ambitious strategy to reassess its large stock of aging residential high-rise towers. Through the use of green technology and neighbourhood revitalization principles, they intend to radically change the way towers interact with the city […]