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2012-2013 Season

Chaos and the City

Presented Feb 2013

Wednesday, February 2013 Lecture Sponsor:  HOK Presenter:  Gordon Stratford, HOK More than ever, people fear that our world is fundamentally unwinding under the assault of uncontrollable dangers. This presentation explored cities that survive and thrive in apparent chaos, and looked for lessons that will help us change our communities from “fragile” to “robust”; prepared to accept […]

Streets for People

Presented Feb 2013

December 2012 Presenter: Gary Toth, Projects for Public Spaces The “Complete Streets” movement challenges the prevailing wisdom of the Automobile Age.  Car-oriented street design has been linked to environmental and health issues and the livability of our cities. “Complete Streets” focuses not only on redefining how we move pedestrians, bikes, transit, cars and trucks, but also on elevating our streets as […]

Paul Goldberger: Cities, Place and Cyberspace

Presented Nov 2012

 Presented with:  Azrieli School of Architecture & Urbanism Forum Lecture Series For more information on Mr. Goldberger, please visit his web site.