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2003-2004 Season

Invisible Landscapes: Rediscovering the Garden of the Provinces

Presented Apr 2004

The Garden of the Provinces is a modernist park design of the early 1960’s that provides an urban link with the West Memorial Building and the Public Archives/National Library Building and boldly marks the western entrance to Wellington Street. Andrew Waldron, Architectural Historian, National Historic Sites Directorate, Parks Canada, provided an historical overview of the […]

Ottawa’s Post-War Architectural Heritage

Presented Mar 2004

Ottawa’s rich and diverse inventory of post-war architecture reflects a uniquely Canadian and local interpretation of the major architectural movements of the past half century. Janine Debanné, Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Carleton University, provided an overview of post-war architecture in Ottawa with a special focus on residential projects. Adrian Gollner, Visual Artist, presented his […]

Fredrick Todd: Early 20th Century Visions that Shaped Canada’s Capital

Presented Nov 2003

One hundred years ago, landscape architect and planner Fredrick Todd provided insight and direction that would shape Ottawa and the Capital Region. Designer of some of Canada’s most beloved spaces, including Montreal’s Mount Royal Park and Toronto’s Leaside, recent research has now uncovered long lost aspects of his contribution to the capital – how he […]