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2010-2011 Season

Walking Around the World: Innovation and inspiration for better pedestrian environments

Presented Jun 2011

Dr Rodney Tolley, Conference Director, Walk21; Honorary Research Fellow, Staffordshire University (UK) Active living is a way of life that integrates physical activity into daily routines. Evidence shows that compact, mixed use, walkable and cycle-friendly environments can encourage active living that has associated health, economic, environmental and social benefits. In spite of this, car-oriented communities […]

Vancouverism in Ottawa?

Presented May 2011

For the fifth year in a row, the City of Vancouver was selected as the most livable city in the world out of 140 cities surveyed by the Economist Intelligence Unit, a market research department of The Economist magazine. This accolade is not isolated to the City alone as one reviews Vancouver’s (city and region) […]

Alex Maclean: In Search of a Successful Urbanism

Presented Feb 2011

Alex MacLean is an award winning photographer, pilot, Harvard-trained architect, the author of 5 books and co-author of 4 others. Through his stunning aerial photography, Mr. MacLean provided a one-of-a-kind vantage point on land-use, settlement and urbanism across North America, and discuss how certain factors such as “proximity” are becoming more important than ever for […]

NIMBYism and Affordable Housing

Presented Dec 2010

with Marni Cappe, President of CIP, Housing and Policy Analyst Sean Gadon, Affordable Housing Office, City of Toronto Jo-Anne Poirier, CEO, Ottawa Community Housing NIMBY noun \nim-b?\ (acronym: not-in-my-backyard ) opposition to the locating of something considered undesirable in one’s neighbourhood Affordable housing is often viewed as being unwanted in communities, in many cases due […]

Trees and Suburban Houses: Roots and foundations – the underground conflict

Presented Sep 2010

with James Urban, FASLA As we struggle to preserve Ottawa’s urban forest a new challenge has arisen to the planting of trees in developing areas of the city. Has marine clay soil left behind by Lake Champlain created a conflict between the stability of house foundations and the trees that grace our streets? James Urban […]