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The Rise of On-line Shopping and the Future of Brick and Mortar Retailing

Presented May 2018

January 2018 On-line shopping:  it’s easy, convenient, and there are great deals to be had!  But do we really understand the potential impacts of this emerging reality? What are the challenges and opportunities faced by the brick and mortar retail industry? What will be the implications for the social fabric and the built environment of […]

I Love Ottawa

Presented Dec 2017

April 2017 Powered by Pechakucha To celebrate Urban Forum’s 20th anniversary, Urban Forum partnered with loveOttawa to host a night celebrating what people love about Ottawa and why. Ten speakers from various walks of life, discussed why they are so passionate about Ottawa in a short visual presentation in 20 images of the places, things […]

Claude Cormier

Presented Dec 2017

September 2017 A special presentation in collaboration with the NCC’s Capital Urbanism Lab Speaker Principal of Claude Cormier and associates, Montreal, Quebec Cormier’s internationally recognized practice extends far beyond conventional landscape design to forge bridges between urban design, public art, and architecture. His landscapes celebrate the artificial and surreptitiously alter reality. His work is distinguished […]

Paradox in Practice: The City as a Work of Art and the Open Source Metropolis

Presented Apr 2016

April 2016 Speaker:  Mark Sterling, OAA, MCIP, RPP Download the poster here In this talk architect, urban designer and planner Mark Sterling contrasted two approaches to urban planning: the “City as a Work of Art”, a top-down Master Planning approach formulated in the late 19th century which continues to inform practice today; and the “Open Source Metropolis”, an […]

The Pruitt-Igoe Myth and Farewell to Oak Street at the Mayfair

Presented Mar 2016

March 2016 Presented at the Mayfair Theatre Urban Forum was pleased to present its second Urban Film night at the Mayfair.  The aim of the Urban Film Series is present films that focus on the mutually impactful relationship between urban design, planning, architecture and people.  This year’s selections included “The Priutt Igoe Myth” as the feature, preceded by […]

The City as Nation Builder

Presented Oct 2015

Wednesday, September 30, 2015 Co-Sponsored by:  Diamond Schmitt Architects and Planning and Growth Management, City of Ottawa Presenter:  A.J. Diamond, Diamond Schmitt Architects A.J. Diamond is: founder of Diamond Schmitt Architects (DSAI); RAIC Gold Medalist; member of the Order of Ontario; an Officer of the Order of Canada; a Fellow of the Royal Architectural Institute of […]

Heart of a Nation

Presented Jun 2015

The Long Term Vision and Plan for Ottawa’s Parliamentary and Judicial Precincts June 10, 2015 Presenters:  Lyette Fortin and Robert Allsopp Since Queen Victoria selected Bytown as Canada’s capital in 1858, the Parliamentary and Judicial Precincts facing Wellington Street have become the symbolic—and physical—heart of the country. This forum examines the history of the area, […]

Alex MacLean | Oil: the Sands to Suburbs Connection

Presented Dec 2014

December 3, 2014 Presenter:  Alex MacLean Alex MacLean is an award winning photographer, pilot, Harvard-trained architect, and author and co-author of 11 books. Through his stunning aerial photography, Mr. MacLean revealed rarely seen views of what an oil junkie society looks like from the sky.  From our growing tar sands in Alberta to the Texas […]